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Dance of the Channels 

Channel Interactions and Holography (Previously Unified Acupuncture Theory Foundations)

A single unifying theory to navigate channel interactions with the use of image thinking.

This course at a glance


November 2–3, 2024


Sa/Su, 9:00–17:00


14 hours


Jonathan Shubs





CHF 495.–

Additional UAT Certificate Program Courses

Recognition TCM Fachverband:

Label-Nr. 24107


About this course

Do not put needles where there is already pain.  Choose a distal location to relieve the pain and treat the underlying problem.  This is the root of meridian interactions and all other distal needling approaches. The key is choosing the right placement for the needles.  This is the reason for the importance of understanding the hows and whys of meridian interactions. In this course you can say goodbye to memorizing acupuncture points and applying rigid treatment plans. 

Jonathan breaks down various distal needling approaches to their very basic building bocks which allows you to understand and apply the various systems easily and effectively. 

If you are already a practitioner of distal needling or balance method acupuncture systems, you will gain a deeper understanding of what you are already practicing which will in turn increase efficiency and efficacy. You will walk away with a better grasp of your treatment and clinical approach as well as simple, effective clinical tools. 


A note from Jonathan on the course:

There are many approaches that teach the same basic idea.  Dr Tan’s Balance method, Balance Method, Distal Needling, to name a few, give you a basic simple system that if applied exactly as taught, will give clinical results. 

What makes UAT meridian interactions different is that it breaks down the systems and the logic into bite size bits and reassembles them so not only do you have a system that you can use, but you have a system that you can understand.  This means you will get all the information you would get from any other distal needling approach AND you leave with understanding why it works.  Many people say, “why do I need to know why it works? If it works that is good enough for me.”  I do not disagree, well actually I do.  IF you have a system that you do not understand but can use then you can not adjust, incorporate your previous knowledge, or evolve as a therapist.  Without understanding you are limiting yourself.  And I would argue that it is a disservice to yourself and especially to your patients. 

So, the short answer is that the difference between UAT Meridian Interactions course and the other approaches to distal acupuncture is that with UAT Meridian Interactions you learn how to do it, why it works and most importantly you learn to incorporate all the other styles of acupuncture you have learned or will learn.  With other courses you are limited to only using their method.  With UAT you are invited to understand the mechanisms of the system and then create your own style.


«Jonathan Shubs has a very warm manner and a genuine interest in passing on his knowledge. He was very aware and sensitive to the needs of the group.

Elaine Y., Participant

About the Teacher


Jonathan Shubs

Geboren in Toronto, Kanada. TCM-Studium am Institut Shao Yang in Lyon, Frankreich. Spezialisierung in Japanischer, Koreanischer und Fünf-Elemente-Akupunktur. Jonathan Shubs hat sich auch mit Tai Qi und Qi Gong auseinandergesetzt. Zuerst in Toronto unter Prof. Sifu Philip Mo, später bei Prof. Zhi-Zhong Wang in Beijing und Prof. Mingchun Mao von der Shanxi University in Taiyuan. Führt eine TCM-Praxis in Lausanne.

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