Applied Nan Jing Acupuncture
Based on the Nan Jing (chapters 16 and 69), this course applies the 5 Element logic of the Saam 4 needle acupuncture technique and is accompanied with Nan Jing style abdominal palpation.
This course at a glance
April 13–14, 2024
Sa/Su, 9:00–17:00
14 hours
Jonathan Shubs
CHF 495.–
Additional UAT Certificate Program Courses
Recognition TCM Fachverband
Label-Nr. 24105
About this course
Based on the Nan Jing (chapters 16 and 69), this course applies the 5 Element logic of the Saam 4 needle acupuncture technique and is accompanied with Nan Jing style abdominal palpation.
Clinical Applications - Internal medicine and psycho-emotional disturbances.
Treat many internal patterns with confidence. With just 4 needles and instant feedback on the efficacy of your treatment, Jonathan helps you and the patient elevate your treatment process to a collaborative experience. You verify your diagnosis instantly, and the patient feels involved and assured of the targeted outcome.
A note from Jonathan on the course;
You DO NOT NEED herbs to treat internal problems. You NEED a system to treat internal problems with ACUPUNCUTRE. That is what Unified Acupuncture Internal Medicine Saam Acupuncture with Abdominal Palpation is. The abdominal palpation gives you an objective diagnosis and the means to immediately verify the efficacy of your treatment. Saam acupuncture gives a simple, only 4 needles, approach to treating the internal problems a patient might have.
This course (the combination of abdominal palpation and Saam acupuncture) does not exist anywhere else in Europe.
«Jonathan Shubs has a very warm manner and a genuine interest in passing on his knowledge. He was very aware and sensitive to the needs of the group.
— Elaine Y., Participant
About the Teacher
Jonathan Shubs
Geboren in Toronto, Kanada. TCM-Studium am Institut Shao Yang in Lyon, Frankreich. Spezialisierung in Japanischer, Koreanischer und Fünf-Elemente-Akupunktur. Jonathan Shubs hat sich auch mit Tai Qi und Qi Gong auseinandergesetzt. Zuerst in Toronto unter Prof. Sifu Philip Mo, später bei Prof. Zhi-Zhong Wang in Beijing und Prof. Mingchun Mao von der Shanxi University in Taiyuan. Führt eine TCM-Praxis in Lausanne.