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Applied I Ching Acupuncture – Level I

Using I Ching logic to create both structure and movement to promote internal changes. Clinical applications - Structural disorders, internal disorders and psycho-emotional disorders.

This course at a glance


August 31–September 1, 2024


Sa/Su, 9:00–17:00


14 hours


Jonathan Shubs





CHF 495.–

Additional UAT Certificate Program Courses

Recognition TCM Fachverband

Label-Nr. 24106


About this course

Using I Ching logic to create both structure and movement to promote internal changes

Clinical applications - Structural disorders, internal disorders and psycho-emotional



This course was developed from the advanced courses given by Dr Tan and stems from the classic Taoist book of the I Ching. Using the hexagrams from the I Ching and the meridian interactions, 12 different patterns are created that can treat many internal problems as well as emotional problems.  The conditions that this system is most noted for are: Menstrual problems and women’s health; insomnia; anxiety; panic attacks; depression; fibromyalgia; chronic headaches; affections of ear, nose and throat; skin affections; hormonal disorders; and cystitis and other Urinary tract affections.  Like all UAT courses, the complex theory is presented in a simple and understandable way. You will leave the course on Sunday and be able to apply it on the Monday in the clinic.


A note from Jonathan on the course;

Where the other courses are rooted in yin/yang and Five Element theories, this course delves deeper into the uses of the I Ching. The I Ching’s richness and complexity can lead to profound and long-lasting changes in the patient.  Even though the I Ching is a vast and dense subject, this course breaks down the basic use in acupuncture and makes it accessible. When used with other courses of the UAT training, a complete system emerges that allows the practitioner to treat a large array of conditions that are presented in the clinic.  


«Jonathan Shubs has a very warm manner and a genuine interest in passing on his knowledge. He was very aware and sensitive to the needs of the group.

Elaine Y., Participant

About the Teacher


Jonathan Shubs

Geboren in Toronto, Kanada. TCM-Studium am Institut Shao Yang in Lyon, Frankreich. Spezialisierung in Japanischer, Koreanischer und Fünf-Elemente-Akupunktur. Jonathan Shubs hat sich auch mit Tai Qi und Qi Gong auseinandergesetzt. Zuerst in Toronto unter Prof. Sifu Philip Mo, später bei Prof. Zhi-Zhong Wang in Beijing und Prof. Mingchun Mao von der Shanxi University in Taiyuan. Führt eine TCM-Praxis in Lausanne.

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